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Benefits of Massage
and Bodywork

The benefits of massage and bodywork are numerous and date back thousands of years. While most health conditions are compatible with massage and bodywork a few contraindications do exist. If you are uncertain about whether bodywork is right for your situation, please contact your health care provider or give us a call. We would be happy to answer all of your questions.

OPTION 1 - Massage & Bodywork

What follows is a list of some of the most common and proven
benefits of massage and bodywork:
  • Alleviates chronic and acute muscular tension and pain
  • Assists athletes prepare for and recover from workouts and competitions
  • Assists in shorter, easier labor for expectant mothers and shortens related hospital stay
  • Compliments and enhances other health treatments
  • Corrects postural imbalances
  • Decreases high blood pressure
  • Decreases depression and anxiety
  • Decreases mental/physical fatigue and stress
  • Enhances immunity
  • Enhances sleep quality
  • Increases joint flexibility and range of motion (ROM)
  • Increases energy and awareness
  • Improves circulation
  • Improves skin tone and function
  • Promotes muscle tissue regeneration, reduces scar tissue and stretch marks
  • Promotes overall relaxation and wellbeing
  • Reduces surgical and non-surgical adhesions and swelling
  • Reduces spasm and cramping
  • Relaxes and softens injured, tired, and overused muscles
  • Relieves headaches and migraines
  • Strengthens weak, tight, and atrophied muscles

Some of the most common medical conditions treated by massage & bodywork:

  • Allergies/Sinus problems
  • Arthritis
  • Asthma
  • Auto accident injuries*
  • Backache and Sciatica*
  • Blood pressure (high/low)
  • Burn injury
  • Cancer (some)
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Chronic/acute muscular tension and pain*
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Constipation
  • Diabetes
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Frozen Shoulder
  • Headaches and Migraines*
  • Insomnia
  • Menstrual Cramping
  • Neck and shoulder pain/dysfunction*
  • Nerve impingement and entrapment*
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Osteoperosis
  • Postural imbalances
  • Pregnancy and postpartum
  • Premenstrual Syndrome
  • Restless Leg Syndrome
  • Sports injuries and injury prevention
  • Stress
  • Surgical and non-surgical adhesions
  • Temperomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ)
  • Tendonitis
  • Trigger points and spasms* (muscular "knots")
  • Whiplash*
Click to learn about the various massage
and bodywork we currently offer clients


Insurance coverage may be available for current diagnosis with physician prescription or written chiropractic referral.

Benefits of Integrated

This option includes all of the massage and bodywork of option one woven into it. It expands the scope of practice to include body-centered therapies and subtle energy healing that work holistically to address the underlying causes of our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual symptoms.

OPTION 2 - Integrated Healing

Body-Centered Therapy: is a form of mind/body therapy that examines personality in terms of the body and its energetic processes. Respiration and metabolism energize our bodies. Movement and the production of sound are the ways in which we discharge energy. How much energy we have and how we utilize it determines our capacity to respond to life situations. The more we are able to utilize our energy, the more fully we experience and express our selves. This will bring us a greater sense of wellbeing and we will experience the full joy and pleasure of living.

Benefits of Body-Centered Therapy:


  • Body awareness

  • Capacity for intimacy and relational connectedness

  • Emotional fluidity

  • Energy levels

  • Self-reliance

  • Sense of aliveness and vitality

  • Sense of self-possession

  • Sense of wellbeing

  • Tolerance for stress

Body-centered therapy is experiential by nature and allows you to learn from the inside out.
Some of the less tangible benefits include:

  • Learning an integral approach to life and response to life-situations

  • A more grounded and present attitude

  • A higher degree of grace, coordination, and integrated ease of movement

Subtle Energy Healing:
is a hands-on approach to healing that revitalizes, balances, and clears the human energy system (which, along with food and air, is responsible for vitalizing the physical body and its systems) thereby addressing the dis-ease process directly. This promotes physical healing, which includes clearing away emotional conflicts and their associated belief systems. Deeper levels of energy healing focus on reestablishing a connection to our essential core.

Integrated Kabbalistic Healing: is a holistic healing system where both the diagnostic and healing processes originate from a place of wholeness within us. Based on an integration of thirteenth century mysticism, quantum physics, modern psychological insight, and practices of non-duality IKH presents a clear understanding of the human condition and to what healing can truly mean. IKH recognizes that the body, mind, and spirit are an integral, all-inclusive whole and seeks to heal the core suffering that arises from the erroneous belief that we are a separate entity existing alone and disconnected in the world.

Physical Benefits:

  • Accelerates recovery form surgery, disease, trauma, and hospitalization with less complications

  • Compliments medical and psychotherapeutic treatment

  • Eliminates or reduces side-effects of medical procedures

  • Relieves pain and swelling

Emotional Benefits:

  • Clears and strengthens mental abilities

  • Establishes emotional stability and general well-being

  • Heals/resolves relationship issues

  • Increases energy levels

  • Increases your vitality and quality of life

  • Reestablishes body-mind connection

  • Resolves emotional conflict

Spiritual Benefits:

  • Attain self-realization

  • Deepens consciousness

  • Enhances self-awareness

  • Increases intuitive guidance

  • Integrates Body, Mind, Spirit

  • Reestablishes or strengthens spiritual connection

*Healings can be arranged long distance over the phone or via email.


Professional Support Services - For bodyworkers, health professionals & spiritual seekers

"We don't accomplish anything in this world alone ... and whatever happens is the result of the whole tapestry of one's life and all the weavings of individual threads from one to another that creates something." 

~Sandra Day O'Connor


Professional Bodywork Training Series
March 12-14    April 9-11    May 7-9    June 4-6

Register soon to guarantee your spot in our intensive, one-of-a-kind Masters Series training seminar. This course masterfully integrates the Structural Integration myofascial release model (Rolfing 10 session protocol) with visceral manipulation, strain-counterstrain, positional release, and integrated movement and Re-Patterning therapy.

This Masters Series seminar is the only one of its kind being offered in the Midwest. Over four 3-day segments, you will receive exclusive, extensive instruction on:

  • Implementing structural release techniques (based on the work of Ida Rolf and others)
    to re-align poor posture in a 10 treatment series

  • Using visceral release to improve organ health and reduce pain

  • Permanently transform bad posture habits through integrated movement awareness

  • as well as an introduction to the fantastic work of Osteopathy.

Classes are small and the training is effective. Many therapists have reported a significant increase in income from being able to offer a highly specialized, highly successful treatment option, and offering a one-of-a-kind service can lead to a dramatic increase in referrals to your clinic. Our Masters Series often pays for itself in a few short months!
2010 Instruction Dates: Minneapolis

March 12-14 April 9-11 May 7-9 June 4-6

Each segment must be taken in sequence to ensure maximum results. Completion leads to a Certification in Advanced Myofascial Release!

For more information or to register click here or call 952.832.0111.
To review the syllabus for this series click here


Professional Support and Advocacy
: Too many of us in the healing profession find ourselves alone and without a sense of community or help in traversing the territory of working intimately with others. A kind and continuous connection to an experienced helper provides a structure and context to explore our struggles, have our strengths and talents reflected back to us, and to move through places of confusion as we break through to new levels of insight and professionalism.

The deep work of supervision develops the heart in a mindful and compassionate way and offers us an education from the inside out. An organic process, it encourages us to work from our centers and develop a unique synthesis of our work. Since we are coming from our personal depths, we meet our clients and the outside world, its requirements and challenges, in a more integrated, skillful, and effective manner.

Supervision is relatively new to massage, bodywork, and healing, but has been used successfully for years in counseling, psychotherapy, and other mental health disciplines as well as many other professions engaged in working intimately with people. Supervision involves having the practitioner meet regularly with another professional, usually more senior, but normally with training in the skills of supervision, to discuss casework and other professional issues in a structured way. The main focus is placed on healing the relationship between the practitioner and their clients so that the most profound healing can take place uninhibited by our habitual life responses. Another way to describe supervision is known as clinical or counseling supervision or consultation. The purpose is to assist the practitioner in learning from his or her experience and progress in expertise, as well as to ensure good service to the client or patient. Supervision establishes a continuous thread of support and advocacy from supervisor to supervisee to client.



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8100 Penn Avenue South  -  Suite 105  -  Bloomington, MN 55431
Telephone: 952-832-0111          Email:


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